CRT monitors: free to a good home!

Hello! I live in Forest Hill, SE23 and I’m getting rid of a load of never-finished projects bits.

Amongst this lot are 4 old CRT monitors, acquired for an installation that never got built. Details below. They’re free to a good home, but you’d need to pickup from my place in SE23.

Anyone want 'em? Could be useful for parts / another installation etc…

3 x 12" Philips Computer Monitor 80. Monochrome (2 white, 1 green)
more info:

1 x 13" Philips CM8833. Colour. Classic Amiga monitor.
more info:

Here’s the other two monitors:

Just to clarify has this got composite video in? -Philips Computer Monitor 80. Monochrome

Yup, all of them have composite in and the CM8833 also has SCART and some odd DIN connector, too.

Sounds really cool.

Anymore info please check your PM

Do not bring these to the space.


Why can’t he bring them to the space?

You can make oscilloscopes out of these.


We’ve got funding for a proper oscilloscope, and we really want to avoid piles of clutter (an endemic problem to makerspaces everywhere)

CRT monitors are the burden Makerspaces, and Hackerspaces.

Now I understand.