Hello! I live in Forest Hill, SE23 and I’m getting rid of a load of never-finished projects bits.
Amongst this lot are 4 old CRT monitors, acquired for an installation that never got built. Details below. They’re free to a good home, but you’d need to pickup from my place in SE23.
Anyone want 'em? Could be useful for parts / another installation etc…
3 x 12" Philips Computer Monitor 80. Monochrome (2 white, 1 green)
more info: http://computers.mcbx.netne.net/8bit/apdisply/index.htm#Ph80
1 x 13" Philips CM8833. Colour. Classic Amiga monitor.
more info: http://www.bigbookofamigahardware.com/bboah/product.aspx?id=879