Craft & Textiles night

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It’s the first Tuesday of the month so it’s Craft night!
Except it’s not!! Sorry, I have had to move Craft night again this month. Tuesdays are becoming problematic for me in general so they might need to move to another night permanently.

No particular topic at the moment - but if you want to see how any of the machines work (including the embroidery machine) - come along.

If you haven’t been before this is a open session. Anyone is welcome from total beginner to expert!
Bring your projects or just yourself…This is as much social as it is about crafting :grinning:
If you’ve always wanted to know how to use a sewing machine or an overlocker - come and ask!

Date: Monday, February 13th, 2023
Time: from 6.30pm to 9pm (drop in anytime)


Hi Tracy… I am a new member and am definitely coming! I was wondering if it also included how to work the heat press? Thanks, Rebecca

Hi Rebecca - You will be very welcome. I’m afraid I have never used the heat press - but I am sure we can work it out on the night!

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Hey Tracy, I might bring a guest to join the event of that’s ok for you (I will be around doing other things)

Absolutely!! Textile nights are always open to everyone - members and non-members.

No need to bring anything unless you have something on the go - I will have a few bits and pieces around if people want to have a go at sewing on the machines and we still have bits left from the sashiko night.


Hi Tracy,

I’d like to make a tool roll bag for my wood lathe chisels and gouges. I have no experience of machine sewing so would be starting from scratch.

I expect I’d use some sort of canvas material and also probably some leather to create some flaps to fold over the sharp ends of the chisels to stop them puncturing the canvas material.

Should I try to buy some material in advance of the session and bring it along. I don’t expect to get much done on the first session except work out design and stuff but would be good to get into it and sew something.

If you know a good place where I could buy materials then I can do some investigation and start to work out what I need and sketch a design?

If it’s best to just come along and sew anything with scraps just to practice then I’m up for that as well…

Anyway, just ideas at the moment but thought I might as well try and make it and learn how to use a sewing machine instead of the easy option and just buy one and this way I can customise it to exactly fit the tools :slight_smile:

Thanks, Steve

It might be a good idea to practice with some calico fabric first. You could get use to the machines and work out what you want you want to do before using your fabric.

You might want to look at a heavy canvas to make your tool roll with as it will hold it’s shape and protect your tools. It would also work well with leather.


Hello! I’m new and keen to come along to familiarise myself with some of the machines and tools available in the space. I might also bring a project with me that I’m a bit worried about starting (first time sewing sheer fabric!), in case someone is about who can give me some advice…

Helen and I hope to attend. It would be great to see the embroidery machine in action and to learn what might be required to apply personal designs.

Hi Greta - wonderful. Welcome to Makerspace. We can show around and look at the equipment we have there including our wonderful new embroidery sewing machine.

Hi Steve - sorry I seem to have missed your message originally so apologies for taking so long to reply. I have some thick denim pieces here at home that we could experiment on on Monday night for this. Should give us enough body for a practice run or two. It should be fairly straightforward (depending on what you actually want of course).

This video gives some tips on how to design a tool roll to suit specific tool sizes and makes up quite a nice one that even includes a zipped pocket -

Hi Tracy,

I’m really hoping I can still make it on Monday, been looking forward to it but I tested positive for Covid on Monday and I’m still positive. Apparently by now I should be no longer infectious (according to my sister who is a doctor and worked in Covid assistance during the pandemic and has had it a couple of times) even if positive tests can continue for a while even when all symptoms gone.

I really don’t want to risk infecting other people so probably, unless I have at least a first positive test on Monday then I should probably stay away :frowning:

Hopefully I can be there on Monday but if not I guess I’lll have to wait for another session :frowning:

Thanks, Steve

Hey @TracyD, it’s unlikely that we are going to make it to the event tomorrow, sorry! Hopefully next time !

I can’t make textile night tomorrow - however i’ll be at the Space this afternoon (exploring a bobbin mystery) - so if anyone is around and wants to be shown the Embroidery Machine - shout :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’m interested and would like to bring a friend! I’m a complete beginner to sewing machines but I have hand sewn buttons and patches and stuff a fair amount.

Wonderful - you’ll both be very welcome.

I’m sick so going to keep me and my germs away for tonight, but looking forward to the next one!

I’m also coming down with something, sorry I couldn’t make it after all! Next time hopefully.

Thanks to @TracyD and @Amanda for intro to sewing machines and textiles stuff yesterday evening at Craft & Textiles Night… my gouge/chisel tool roll is coming along nicely, looking forward to more stuff to learn, thanks :slight_smile:


Thanks @TracyD and @Amanda
It was great to meet you both and learn how to use the embroidery machine and the overlocker. Also great to meet some of the other members and see what they were up to.
Really enjoyed it.
Thanks again