Craft and Textile Social - Japanese Knot Bags - Feb 13

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Come join me for an evening of sewing. Bring your own project, or sew along with me to make a Japanese Knot bag.

It’s a simple, quick project that will show you how to:

  • use a pattern to cut fabric

  • use a sewing machine

  • use an overlocker

No need to bring anything - but if you have your own fabric to use, that would be great. Works well with any cotton or woven (not stretchy) fabrics.

Get the date in your calendar!

February 13th - 6:30 - 9:00 pm


Hello! I wonder if it might be worth moving these to the same night as electronics? Like they don’t need to be separate do they? And some cross contamination of knowledge between specialisations might be useful and fun?

Just a thought, absolutely happy to be told no and see you at the next one either way.

It would be great for there to be cross over nights - but someone else would need to host/run as I’m afraid I cannot make it on Thursday evenings at the moment.

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I can probably do a couple a month if that helps?

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I’m hoping to be able to make this.

I have never done any textiles stuff before but I’m thinking of making some stuff (from patterns) for my nieces birthdays :grin:


Fantastic Aaron - if you have anything in particular in mind, bring it along! I sew a lot with patterns (clothes, bags, I’ve even made a doll or two) and there are lots of exciting ones out there. However, some are definitely better than others in terms of instructions etc. There’s lots of great ones out there that now come with video instructions which are brilliant if you haven’t tried dewing before.

I’d be happy to bore your ears off about it :rofl:

Wow Sam - that would be amazing. I can’t make it over as often as I’d like unfortunately. There’s nothing to running a sewing night - just go for it! Happy to have a chat about it in advance if you like - but you know far more about this area of sewing than I do!

You wouldn’t say I know anything about sewing if you saw the repair I just did to my jeans. I’m going to pretend it’s intentional.

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Sounds good! I’ve got some sewing to do next week so I’ll be there :slight_smile:

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Just bopping this up as a reminder for tomorrow evening.

If you are thinking of coming, and can bring some fabric to use, that would be great. The space doesn’t have many remnants big enough and I don’t want to use all my fabric if I can help it! Anything over 0.5 metre would be very useful.

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Annoyingly I don’t think I can make tonight but I’ve got some fabric I can donate. I’ll stash it somewhere and then take a photo.

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Here are the donated fabrics on the industrial sewing machine. One is a duvet so is massive.

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