Craft and Textile Social - 6 September - non-members welcome

It’s the first Tuesday of the month so it’s Craft night!

If you haven’t been before this is an open session. Anyone is welcome from total beginner to expert!
Bring your projects or just yourself…This is as much social as it is about crafting :grinning:
If you’ve always wanted to know how to use a sewing machine or an overlocker - come and ask!

Date: Tuesday, September 6th, 2022
Time: from 6.30pm to 9:00 pm(drop in anytime)


@Amanda @mounia @ValValB @Verde @KPJ @MattGilmour @mbg @Lily_Atkins @CatHulme @petra @Laure_Belotti @Katybird @Chantel @KPJ @techfolderkites @Julia @Lauren


Might very well show up with my quilting project!

Do it!!

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I’d like to come too! albeit not a member yet, been thinking of customizing my own cloths, making a separable collar etc😂


Just a reminder that it’s the Craft Social tonight - open to everyone and everything craft! Hope to see you there.


Planning to be there

Yay! See you all later :raised_hands: