CNC Mill - Inventables Shapeoko 2

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa496691a08> #<Tag:0x00007fa4966918c8>


eg. Manufacturer, model, capabilities. Include a photo.

Condition Notes

On loan from @bmsleight

Induction and Training

If applicable, a short description of induction requirements


List of @usernames who are responsible for maintenance

Risk Assessment

Identify risks
State control measures

(Note: The following is effectively the contents of the induction process, if it exists)

Before Use

The origin needs to be set using g-code:

  1. Make sure the black box is powered.
  2. Connect USB to computer of your choice, making a note of the COM port that is being used (e.g. COM 1 or /dev/ttyACM1)
  3. Start the Universal G-Code Sender
  4. Position the end mill either manually or with g-codes e.g. X3, Y4, Z5, etc.
  5. Make a note of the coordinates.
  6. Send g-code G10 L2 P1 X3 Y4 Z5 - where 3, 4 and 5 are the actual coordinates.
  7. GRBL (the Shapeoko Arduino shield CNC controller) now sets the current position as the origin.
  8. Double check by issuing commands such as Z-1 and Z1 to make sure origin has been set.

Once the Shapeoko has registered the new origin, it is possible to change all axes manually e.g. by turning the Z axis flexible coupling manually.

During Use

After Use



eg. instruction manuals, tutorial videos etc.

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