Child centred electronics drop in at the space! 1st July

Hi I missed this sorry. Agree about a 10am start and would definitely come to the next one with my 7 year old and help publicise it. I could send an email round to parents at his school which is nearby.

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Sounds great! I will pick a random date, see if we are all available and hopefully you can get some publicity via the school before holidays start. That would be lovely! We live rather far away or I’d do the same! Then next school year we can plan more. Not sure about the potential during holidays but we can see how things develop on that front too!


update: I didn’t manage to find a free weekend before the summer holidays! I suspect we will have to get back to this topic for the next school year.

Is this not a good summer holiday event?

Yes it would be! But won’t be a super organised one with people attending from local schools :slight_smile: summer holiday event surely on its way though, so watch this space :wink:

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We’re actually setting up a forum for all the parents at our school, so I could tell lots of people about it even in the summer holidays. But August is always tricky with lots of people away.