Can't sign out of tool control


Hi, I used the laser today, for a quick cut, but I wasn’t able to sign out of tool control after I
finished. Seemed like it wasn’t responding to my tag at all. So it’s stuck under my name. Another user tried his tag on it and nothing happened.

I also noticed this residue when I was cleaning:

I tried clearing it off as best as I could, but ai can still see it.

I used a sheet of acrylic under the laser, it was marked with a £4.50 sticker, but there’s no option for it in the shop…

Try unpluging the Tool Control or restarting the PC (that also powers the Tool Control) to see if that wakes it up.

I’ll have a look at the shop and the bed when i can. In the mean time, please pay with one of the other laser materials for the equivalent value for now.