Can my 18-yr old son volunteer at the makerspace two days a week?

Hi all

We’ve just emigrated from Cape Town, South Africa, and my 18-yr old son has a 5-month gap while waiting to start university. He’s good with coding, computers and tech in general, is a wiz at Maths/Physics/Chemistry, and learns quickly.

If he joins the makerspace, will he be able to help out at the Makerspace in a useful way? He’d like to spend two days a week doing some volunteering.



Hi Mike!

Yes, as long as he is 18, that would be great - we have an opening on the @systems team and will be working on some interesting projects with web / database / embedded tool control nodes / wireless networking etc.

Sounds good?

Hi Mike,

Welcome to you and your son. Yeah, if he’d like to help out that would be great. We have a great community and an amazing breadth of technical knowledge: we have members doing everything from building creative cardboard sculptures to programming iPhone apps to putting satellites in space. There’s bound to be a few interesting conversations he could have.

Does he happen to have any woodwork experience?

Hi Max, unfortunately not, his focus has been on code, robotics and related things

Hi Andy, that does sound good, he’s keen … we’ll be attending the open day session tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Thanks Herne!

Hi @elasticninja. Did you guys make it to the open evening?


Hi Andy

We did, but he has got himself an internship that will take up most of his spare time, so he has unfortunately decided not to join the Makerspace :frowning:


No worries, cheers!