BRIT Awards Mastercard Music Trailblazer

Hello all,

I have some pretty big news. I’ve been featured me as one of @MastercardUK music trailblazers ahead of The BRIT Awards this year!

It feels pretty amazing to be celebrated. My work combines community art and music making with sculpture, accessibility, instrument building and code. If I’m honest I generally don’t “fit” any of the categories out there, but 20 years in and at the age of 45 some recognition!

I’m pictured with a musical suitcase I made for Wigmore Hall a few years ago. You can find out more about my work here or just come and talk to me in the space! I’m much more friendly than I look (and yes, I can smile).

Happy Friday all!



Why you are do serious in the picture??? You won…



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Congratulations Gawain!! Very cool!!

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Awesome - congratulations!

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