Best miniature speaker for Arduino nano

Looking for advice on small speakers as I have practically no exp with this side of electronics.

My plan is to code up a Arduino Nano with an MP3 file that activates through a miniature speaker when a button is pushed.
Pretty simple and I have made similar code before so that side of things should be all good.

That said I have no idea on where to start with small speakers outside of Maplins, and I know they will charge more for the convenience of walking in and looking around (which is fair) and only have a very limited range. Ideally the speaker will need to fit within a 2cm diameter space, but I can make slight adjustments to this if needed.

Any ideas on websites or brands that I should be looking at please get in touch :slight_smile:

How are you playing the MP3 back on an Arduino as they don’t have w codec for that. It’s technically possibly to play a WAV file from an SD card but not an MP3.

Well i guess i’m not using mp3 then haha

Basically it’s just going to be a 5 second audio file. (not this music though)

Ahh I see, I was going to say there are options for playing MP3s back that just work out of the box… Sparkfun MP3 trigger for example.

Space is bit of a premium unfortunately. everything has to be quite small :confused:

I have done this before and it worked great, slightly different approach though- get one on these recordable greeting cards- like this:

All they do is play a sound back, usually up to 10 sec when you press a button, which sounds like what you want!

The speaker that comes with it is terrible, I cut it off an put an old pc surround speaker and it sounded quite decent…

Either way, it is tiny, dirt cheap, and does what you want, whats not to like!! :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have more questions!

Otherwise you should be able to drive a small speaker from an Arduino directly, but if you want to amplify it and improve the sound quality various filtering and amplification parts are needed…

@lewisss and @joeatkin2 live a secret double life in electronics when away from the wood workshop, and would be worth consulting!

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Looks promising :smiley:
Is it possible to upload digital files to it without hacking it to bits?

Ill probably do that as it’s going to be part of a present for someone anyway though I would be interested to hear lewis and Joe’s thoughts…

Doubtful you can upload a file to it… they come with a mic so you just play what you want on a pc or phone and put the mic right up to it, sounds fine actually… a bit more old school than uploading tho

You could cut a 3.5mm headphone jack and wire up directly instead of the mic I would think to send a signal directly in for recording…

Either way good cheap way to make a gift, can embed in virtually anything and swap the speaker out for a different one if you like, the one I used was plenty loud with a better speaker hooked up!

The box is as important as the speker.

What do you want it for? Looking?

Can’t really say what it’s for just yet, but basically it’s going inside a square tube. The tubing will be designed and 3D printed by myself so I have a bit of free reign. However it’s going to be a mock up of a static object that exists so i’d prefer to not deviate from the size too much.

Ideally you would push a button on this tube and it would play sound 1, push it a second time to play a different sound 2, repeat.

If val = 1 then play File1 and + 1
If val = 2 then play File2 and - 1

It’s going to be enclosed so the visual appearance of the components wont matter.

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Feel free to ask me in the space I am often about

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Depending on how lofi is acceptable you could try this setup. Basically it’a piezo, DFPlayer clone and Arduino Compatible NodeMCU, with pins D2 and D1 on the NodeMCU for RX, TX.


Thanks for all your help everybody!

I’ve got a bunch of components on it’s way to me from eBay so ill see how this turns out :slight_smile:
It looks like it might just fit in my project :smiley:

###Using 1 bit audio can be kind of awesome,…
and i have a tool that sort of does much of it for you… if you can tolerate the abrasive low-fi sound. <3

playback of voice and then music and run-time remixing of pre-recorded music.

I also made a 37 minute file detailing every step of getting the audio onto the micro controller etc.

Just wanted to show off the article that was written about it on hackaday, yay! Oh wow, dated 2014 ! Time does certainly fly by.

#oh and the speaker
Was salvaged from a random DAB radio I found.


Nice work!
I think ill use that sometime but not for this project. :smiley:

Do we have mosfets in the space? Ive never really looked in the electrical corner
I’m thinking about adding in an auto-off function into the arduino.

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There’s a draw of logic level ones somewhere

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