Basic Woodworking Induction Friday, 17 January at 10 am

This is the Basic Woodshop induction. This list is taken from the main waiting list .

The session will take around 2 hours and will include both verbal and practical demonstrations.

  • General health and safety
  • Compressor
  • Work bench
  • Clamps and vices
  • Saws and knives
  • Chisels, hammers and mallets
  • Hand planes, drills and drivers
  • Electric sanders
  • Jigsaw
  • Pillar Drill
  • Mitre Saw
  • Cleaning up

The content of the induction can be found here:

To attend the induction, you must confirm you’ve read through the induction materials by taking this quiz: Basic Wood Shop Quiz

You must be a paid-up member of MakerSpace to attend an induction session and the cost of the induction is £5, please ensure that you bring this with you and give it to the inductor at registration.

There are 3 places available. If you are able to attend please tick the box to the left of your name.

NOTE: If 2 members click at same time it can sometimes overwrite 1 persons tick selection so check a few moments later to see if your tick has ‘stuck’ and if not do it again. Just a side-effect I think of the way that Wiki single click edits work…

If you are on the waiting list and are no longer interested then of course either remove yourself or let us know so that we can remove you and not include in future induction invitations.

After Thursday, 16 January at 12 pm, we will confirm the SIZE names highest on the list. Those folks will need to confirm their attendance by Thursday 16 January 5pm to hold their spot or it will be offered to others. If a minimum of 3 members are not available then the session may be postponed to a future date…

Inductor: @DWade

If you do not arrive for your induction without letting us know then you will be moved to the end of the list. If you can’t make it, message the inductor, to allow another member to take your place.

Safety Note: As the woodshop doesn’t have a HEPA filter, due to dust, please ensure you bring a suitable FFP3 mask to the induction. Should you need a single-use mask, we will have a few available at the space, but it is highly recommended you purchase a reusable one for future woodshop sessions.

  1. @Clararomerocollins
  2. @stubo
  3. @javivi
  4. @marion.grbt
  5. @PR1OR
  6. @Maker0610
  7. @Ellieops
  8. @Caro12
  9. @brownix
  10. @jovijuan
  11. @jake_grimberg
  12. @jparkinson97
  13. @marcelle
  14. @fejese
  15. @joshboucker
  16. @Pietro_CG
  17. @Rdale
  18. @MCTam
  19. @Cin_L
  20. @Pollybutterfield
  21. @guscarter
  22. @Pallavi_Ojha
  23. @JointEffort
  24. @Hercules01
  25. @EmFarr
  26. @ncikr
  27. @florence.aurora
  28. @Benjamin_Anderson
  29. @ZetRB
  30. @AnaMorgana
  31. @DavidD
  32. @casperbosinius
  33. @Nicholas_Wilson
  34. @Lew
  35. @Jacques_Morris
  36. @RatGrrl3D
  37. @Jack0tis
  38. @purrden
  39. @Eli_O
  40. @Fedor_Shchemerov
  41. @radiogareth
  42. @vanora
  43. @Emerald
  44. @Evelina35
  45. @JoeRickard
  46. @makermokchuk
  47. @gaya
  48. @Fitz
  49. @George_Hill
  50. @toreeeahhh
  51. @hugo_cerda not this one but later
  52. @MatthewdJ
  53. @FrankBruno
  54. @budde377
  55. @bruno95
  56. @t.odell
  57. @ronski
  58. @fhaffenden
  59. @Tariq

Thanks so much for running this! I would like to sign up but can’t tick the box for some reason, nor can edit the post in order to tick it either

Hi, no problem. I have just edited the post and ticked your name on the list.

Thank you! Looking forward to it

Hi @DWade I’ve already done my induction so feel free to offer my spot to someone else! I thought my name was removed from the main list, I can’t seem to edit this one…

Thanks for letting me know. I’ve removed your name.

Sorry @DWade, but I also can’t seem to edit the post. I would like to attend!

Hi, sorry not sure why that’s not working for you but I have added your name.

Apologies I won’t be able to make this one, I can’t seem to edit to add next to my name not on this one.

Hi - If there is space, please could I join the Friday induction. Thanks

I’ve just added you!

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Hi @DWade, you should be able to edit the post (wrench icon) and select “make wiki”


Ah thanks Max! Hopefully works now.

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Hi, I am already inducted so have asked to be removed from the main list. Thanks. B

Hi all,

Can the following 3 please confirm attendance for tomorrow’s session.


Donna, yes still avalable and looking foward to it!

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@fejese, @Jacques_Morris can you please confirm you’ll be able to make it tomorrow

Opening this up to the next two on the list. Could @budde377 and @fhaffenden please confirm they can attend tomorrow’s induction. Thanks

Yepp, sorry for the delay

I can be there.