Bag making workshop!

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Hey All,

As i’ve said in person to a few of you now, im keen to start doing re-occuring bag making/laser cutting fabrics and sewing workshop.

Week by week we would cover each stage of the design + making process. So concept dev - design - pattern design - laser cutting - sewing!

I have loads of fabrics and materials for everyone to use and the idea is at the end of it everyone will have a bag/thing they’ve made themselves under my guidance. Will be awesome.

All experience levels welcome. Although some sewing knowledge would of course be helpful!

Thanks. If you’re keen leave a comment or add yourself to the list below and I can start making some arrangements, perhaps it should be a monthly/twice a month thing.

Once I know whos interested, We can start discussing a date. Oh and, anyone is welcome!

Interested? (tagging people ive spoken to/think may be interested!)



Im keen!

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Most definitely!

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I am interested too.

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Sounds good, I’m keen

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Me also please!

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This is right up my alley ! Would love to get involved c:

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@lasertechs is there a way we can work in the induction into this at the start, or get one for this group prior if anyone needs?

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Ooh yes, I’d be interested in that.

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I’ll be interested :slight_smile:

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Count me in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’d be interested! Thanks for offering to run something :smiley:

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Hey mate, great to meet you the other week. As mentioned then, I’m totally interested in this, pending dates!

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i am interested

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I’m interested! Although not inducted for laser yet :slight_smile:

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Really depends on days and times for me bit would be very interested! :slight_smile:

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Glad to see theres plenty of interest! I will have a little think of the best way to run it logistically, and chat to people in person this week and then get back with a plan.

Depending on final numbers, and to be a bit more flexible for people it might be best to split this into two groups. As then I can dedicate more time to everyone individually and get a better outcome and also more flexible with dates for everyone!

I’m definitely interested too :slight_smile:

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Definitely interested!

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I’m Keen - Let me know if I need to add my name to your list.

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