AVRISP mkii In-System Programmer

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa4983c80b8>

I have one of these, never used, to give away. Would it be useful to the space?

I see this type of device was being discussed back in 2017: Official AVR ISP programmer

Let me know if I should drop mine in some time - thanks!

I think a lot of people bootstrap via another device these days but tagging @electrotechs

I think would be amazing, especially if someone have to recover an arduino board!

This would be great, is it defo the MKII ? (Should say on the sticker on the back.) if so that would be awesome for resetting Arduinos etc.


I’m fairly sure it’s the mkii because it’s still in its original packaging, though I will check the device itself before I bring it in.

Assuming it is, I could come along to one of the Thursday evening sessions to drop it off.


For reference, here’s a page on how to use an Arduino as an ISP for AVR devices: https://docs.arduino.cc/built-in-examples/arduino-isp/ArduinoISP

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It’s pretty cool that you can use an Arduino to reprogram an Arduino :slight_smile:

If you could still make use of a dedicated reprogramming device, then the space is welcome to have it!

And if you would like it, when would be a good time to drop it in? I will try and make it along to one of the Thursday electronics meetups, but I have a few Thursday commitments coming up, so an alternative day would be useful.

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Just drop it on the benches with an @electrotechs on it