Audio reactive LED circuit

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I am looking for a way to light in LED in sync with audio playing on a PC. I am aware there are kits etc that can do this but I was interested as to whether this can be done via a circuit connected to the 3.5mm audio out socket?

I came across this tutorial which is the kind of thing I am after -

I haven’t tried this yet as don’t think I have a 2N3904 transistor. So before I order one I thought best to post here to garner thoughts on the matter.


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Any NPN transistor will do - just make sure you get the pinout right as they vary. And much nicer to use AA cells rather than the limited capacity and expensive 9V batteries. If you are using a red LED then three should do, which can be installed in a battery holder.

Thanks Matthew

Just checked my supplies. I have a ZTX653 which is NPN transistor so will try that. Wil post a reply depending on outcome.

Check Wled:

You just need a led strip and a microphone or you can steam from your computer

Thanks Andrea.

I did come across WLED while researching which looks interesting. I will look into it futher alongside the audio out option, which still appeals to due it’s barebones nature.

You can do that, but the results will be disappointing.

Audio it’s not only a funcion of volume, you risk to have the LEDs on all the time or have to lower your volumes and tune it for each single song, I honesly not advice it.

Thanks Andrea.

The project I am working on is a phone system using Skype and Pi Pico. I want a visual indicator such as an LED to flash when a call comes in. From what I understand WLED does not work with the Pico right? If that’s the case then I would need a suitable board which might be OK if it can do the job the Pico is doing as wouldn’t want two boards.

What type of device are you running Skype on?
Are you using the Pico just to listen for the ring tone and then flash the LEDs?

There’s also the Skype bot, but I’m not sure if there’s an API for an incoming call

The Pico’s main function is to send keystrokes for answering and ending a call and also toggling the audio output. A physical switch it attached to the Pico triggering the relevant action depending on its state.

Skype is on a PC running Linux Mint (latest version).

No, it doesn’t only esp

I used WLED and an esp32 controller with a digital mic to animate my projects. Happy to chat in person about it. Am almost at the workshop and will be here for couple of hours.

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WLED does not only beat map, it also uses spectrum analysis.

The videos I have recorded on my phone wont upload to Discourse.

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Thanks Darren. Your work looks very interesting - would be keen to learn more. I am out of town at the moment until Monday. Anytime after that should be OK.

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I can pass by on Monday. Let me know before you get to MS and ill be glad to talk LED’s.

I can stick around/come back today to have a chat, i am making beat sync light module over next few days.