Audio input selector circuit

Hi all,

Have ben working on a DIY stereo here and there in some spare moments and need some advice / help on making a small audio selection and volume circuit. This circuit will Ideally be controlled by a I2C or similar and struggling to find something suitable.

The internals are simply a stereo amplifier, plus a raspberry pi with a DAC hat, but I want to be able to have 2 or 3 pairs of RCA connectors to add other audio sources (record player etc) and to be able to switch between them via a web interface / raspPi. Same for volume with a digital pot.

For the digital pot I’ve found this - - seems ideal, Maxim seem to make stuff tailored toward the audiophonic end of things which I want.

They also make audio selectors such as the MAX4910 which has all nice sounding features that I would want -

My only issue with the MAX audio selectors is that they all come in tiny packages (TQFN)

My questions are - should I stick with the MAX audio selectors and try and make the PCB with a reflow oven of some kind or is this too ambitious given its tiny so so tiny pin out?

If not, any one know of an audio selector IC in a bigger package?? I’ve searched high and low but to little avail.

Also, I’ve not designed many (read ‘any’) circuits or PCBs, so any pointers on what resistors / caps to put on the pins of these things is appreciated :slightly_smiling:

Can be done many ways depending on the quality you want .
If you use a inverting input buffer simple 4066 cmos switches work well .

D self did some very interesting articles on this reference mixer disine .

Failing that there’s always relays.

But all depends on what it’s for and the quality .

My preference is thru hole as it’s easier at the moment as we have not figured out reflow yet .

Will be down on thersday night and will be happy to help you .

Pcbs are easy but we haven’t done any in the space yet so it will be fun to brake new ground


The big problem with pcbs is the package i use is old and i can’t be bothered to learn or buy a new one so you will might have to get use to a 1998 package

If I am reading your post right you might be able to use an analogue multiplexer IC like a 4051. This gives 8 inputs to 1 output, selected by a 3 bit input code (3 pins).

The datasheet below gives full particulars and the truth table for the output selection:-

Hope this helps,


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The HEF4051B looks like it only has one output so I don’t think supports stereo, thanks though.

I did see mentions of a 4066 but didn’t follow up, but the CD4066BC looks great, I’ll try make it down tomorrow evening @joeatkin2, had the flu but its gone now, see if we can figure it out :slightly_smiling: Think I’m going to try and learn Eagle…

I’ve done this before for an audio circuit

Depends on the isolation spec you are after.

Depends on how you do it never tried so can’t vouch for the THD

If you want a high quality switch with less than 4 inputs the 4066 is the best bet and for more than 4inputs the 4051 and 4066 combination would work but you will have to do click supresion in software.

It takes 4 gates to switch a single audio line in high quality audio or 3and a inverter , plus a hand full of risistors and capacitors to control edge speed .you could get away with two and a inverter in a amp input but definitely 3 for a mixer .

The big advantage of desceat gates is the ability to control the edge speed and the switching sequence

The problem with cmos switchs is that they are not perfect switchs , but if you switch to a virtual ground it cercomnavigats the bulk of the problems

Can’t help you with eagle sorry but would be interested in seeing it and what it’s output is like

I can help with EAGLE CAD if you need it.

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I want to go the distance to make it best quality possible.

Click suppression would be good.

It can be three audio sources that was what I was realy aiming for, raspberry pi, record player, games console :slight_smile:

Heading to the space now hopefully catch you there

@joeatkin2 if you remember the name of the amazingly high quality volume control IC, let me know…

DA1661 datasheet: DA6116.pdf (964.2 KB)

Says to balance it takes an input from the audio source and the amplifier output, am I reading this right?

How about a Pcm1795 and

A balanced input just has two lines one is the same as a unbalanced line and the other is that line multipled by -1

So if one line has +1 volt on it the other has -1volt on it

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This DAC is used by a couple of DAC HATs - so guessing its good??

Audiophonics’ DAC HAT uses a ESS ES9023, their most recent DACs -
The also make this handy guide -

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