Anyone with knowledge of resin casting?

I was quite interested to learn how to resin cast things like keyboard kecaps and controller buttons, and figured since we have a degassing chamber, it may be a good opportunity to reach out to any members to borrow some knowledge or skills!

I was thinking about buying some Oomoo 25 silicone rubber for making moulds ( but other than that, I have no idea how one would go about choosing a resin, and actually using it beyond the basics. Maybe it would make a good workshop?


Hi, resin casting of caps and buttons sound great! With a silicone mould you can get a really accurate cast.
I have some basic experience with making silicone moulds but I am not so skilled with multi-part moulds, like 3 part moulds, as they can get complicated. I would be happy to share my knowledge, albeit limited, next time I am down at the space :slight_smile: You need some clay to make a clay wall to support the mould. I saw some silicone on eBay that seems a cheaper option and similar quality to the one you posted;


I was actually planning on using Lego to make a mould box and maybe cut some cotton buds for sprues! The main reason I was looking at the Oomo was because it said no need to degas the silicone, maybe that’s why the price is higher…

I’d love to do a session together next time you’re down for sure!

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I never degas my silicone and although I get the occasional bubble, the casts come out extremely accurate still.
Here’s where I get my silicone from:
Both economy and professional options are good and way cheaper than (anything from) the 4D Modelshop.
I tried eBay once and it was a bit of a disaster but perhaps it was a one off.
I have some experience with silicone & plaster mold making and have had a go at 2- and 3-parts. I’ve cast soap, slip and Jesmonite, but never resin, so can’t help on that front.
If I can help, shout :slight_smile:


I’ve used a degassing chamber for silicone and two component resin (last one with mixed results) quite a while ago. My experience is overall limited, especially on materials, but I can share what I’ve learned if I remember anything.

sounds great with lego for the mould box! cool, hope to see you at the space in the coming few weeks, I will be in touch, good luck in meantime!

We have a vacuum pot at the space if memory serves? Under the lil’ cnc.


It seems that Brian @platinumnqueen22 will be casting Gorilla eyes soon, you may want to have a look!

Stand by for an update in a few days time ,:smiley_cat:

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We use this kind of silicone at work no need for degas and it’s cheaper.
For the mould box we use some 2/3mm thick plastic sheets easy to cut with a Stanley knife into pieces and glue gun to stick the pieces together. The glue works as a sealant as well as gluing all together. Fast easy and cheap.

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