Hi fellow makers,
I’m urgently needing to do some laser-cutting on Monday 5th or Tuesday 6th, but haven’t been inducted on the machine yet. Would anyone be able to help me out for a small fee (say £30?) or the equivalent in beers (whatever option is preferred) - would be a MASSIVE help. I can do Monday evening and anytime Tuesday.
Perhaps you could post what your project is?
Hey @unknowndomain - ah yes, it’s a bit of signage for a pop-up library project I’m working on. Pretty simple vector cuts of 3 mm acrylic - I’ve already got the designs set up in Illustrator. I’ve done it plenty of times before, but haven’t gotten an official induction to this specific machine, so shouldn’t take too long.
Cool sure I will be there after work on Monday about 19:30 how does that sound?
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You are a STAR! Perfect, I’ll be in the space then. THANKS!