Another couple of completed and delivered projects for the year

Another scroll saw project of this design cut as a memento for a friend’s daughter & son-in-law on the arrival of their first child earlier this year. The plaques were bought from an Etsy shop.
Figures - beech, base - oak
Danish oil finish

For my friend I went with their granddaughter’s name.
Name - beech, base - walnut
I decided that rather than cut out the individual letters I would design it in such a way that I could “separate” the letters freehand using a 2mm straight router bit and a very steady hand to follow the design to a depth of about 3mm. 2nd picture pre-finish shows the separation a bit better, and then rounded over freehand with a veining bit. It was a bit tense doing it but I am really pleased with how it came out. Will definitely use the technique again.

Both projects were well exceptionally well received !

Final project is another from the scroll saw design book I have been using this year.
Figure - beech, dog - meranti- base oak

Already have a number of new projects on the list for next year !!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all !