Advice on ceramic glazes?

Hi there!
Slowly building up my little ceramics collection ready for a bisque fire (anyone has anything they need bisque fired let me know as I want to get one in soon!). This is my literal first time bisque-ing and I am fully self taught so while working on it I thought Id gather some thoughts on good (not too spenny) glazes for my future pieces once I have bisque fired them… any recommendations of brands?? I have no idea what my style or aesthetic is, was thinking maybe buying a little sample set from a brand and see how they turn out? Any advice welcome… brush on glazes only :slight_smile: thanks so much!!!

Hi Laura,
great you enjoy Ceramics. The most comon available glazes for brush on are Amaco, Mayco and Botz. I know Botz sells small size tubs for their glazes.
Make sure you get the right glaze for the temperature you want to fire.


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