We have a bike nook, we have lots of members who ride bikes, but we don’t yet have a properly set up area for bicycle works in the space. I’d like to propose we make it.
What’s missing from the current setup, you ask?
To start, we need an appropriately sized workbench to lay gear down on. We also need appropriate and sufficient hand tools to do basic mechanic work, ideally organised in a way that’s easy to put back and see if something is missing. Of course there’s also the issue of a risk assessment (cue groans of delight) because people do in fact lose fingers and gain dermatitis in weird and unexpected ways working on bikes, which ties into things like antifatigue/antislip matts and suitable mechanics gloves (nitrile sans accelerators). Basic ancillary parts like cables, tubes, and bearings could also be provided but require storage and upkeep, with the possibility of an online shop benefitting the Space if demand requires it. A supply of bike-safe antiseize and grease would be good, and would prevent taking Metals stuff away from their area.
We have knowledgeable members who are willing to give the area structure and continuity: I’ve organised some bike related events and am constantly working on my bikes in the space. @charlesmein did great work reorganising the bike stuff into its existing shape, @EdwardE has helped out with bike events, and @Louis_Parker is new but keen to get involved, and I expect there are others, not including the several professional bike mechanics among our ranks.
@directors I’ve possibly asked previously but what are the steps for a Bike Area to be created, with techs and all?