99% Invisible (design podcast recommendation)

99% Invisible is a great podcast about design, architecture, and related fields. I can’t recommend it enough: exquisitely produced, intriguing content, engaging host.

To give you an example of the range of stories they cover:

A phone booth in the middle of the Mojave Desert, half-built houses in Chile, Portland airport… carpet, IKEA hacks, underground tunnels in Cold-War era Berlin… I could go on, but you get the picture.

(and they’re also a part of Radiotopia, which is an independent podcasting network, if you need more good stuff to listen to).


Closer to home, more ramble-chatty, and currently paused-or-perhaps-thats-it: http://www.thethingsthatmakeus.com

Thanks for the recommendation! I just listened to the half house one. What a great idea.

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Is excellent! Avid listener and coin holder :slight_smile:

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Coin check!

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Really enjoy 99%! I found that these are s great as a short intro to the podcast if you have 5min to lose:

vox video on bad design, or so called "norman doors"

Ted talk on flags (as a more abstract and general concept of what good and bad design is). Way more entertaining than most ted talks!

Radiolab is also really good!


If the Makerspace had a podcast, what would it be like? (serious question)

Interviews with members, I guess? 20min chats about what people do, how they got into it, balancing creative and skills side of things, etc.