8x4 Cnc demonstration rebooked for 10:00 30th September 2017

A Marcello and Harrison have confirmed for the 30th
Please confirm attendance below:-
This is a wiki



“CNC Demo postponed from saturday”

Oohhh, maybe I can make it then.

“To 30th of September”


Just spoke to Harrison and can confirm Saturday is going ahead.

Can we make sure there is space in the messy room (no beds,wardrobes, trebuchets being assembled )

I will be there from 9am to make sure everything goes to plan if anyone wants to help!


I’ll aim to be there for 9am.

I’m going to try and be there. Do we know roughly how long it will last?

2-3 hours I think

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I will be there at 9 to help you out mate

I’ll try and get there for 9

I will be there 09:10

I’m very interested to see this, however that’s a big list of members coming down.

Is it going to be a series of demos, and if so would it be worth waiting a bit?

Unfortunately work has taken priority today and I’m not likely to make it. But maybe we can get some photos for the members to see it in action.

Full house at the space today


Nice one. Great asset for the space. Some impressions in no particular order:


Harrison explains the Mach3 software, which sends gcode commands straight to CNC and cutting operations can be visualised on laptop in real time, as opposed to USB stick inserted into manual control box.

Quick assembly power tool

Up and running

Slight glitch on the setup (base screwed in backwards

Placing the gantry



A moment of panic - misaligned gantry base

Future CNC inductor learns from the creator :wink:

Assembled frame

Frame assembling

Harrison demoes the manual control

Harrison, who has been developing the work-off-wall-socket-industrial-grade CNC for 9 years describes the working principles.

@lewisss your aluminium vaper enclosure was last seen being examined by @Twm


@StudioNelle, remember when I told you my friend makes CNC machines… I believe this is one of his… will have to confirm with Harrison next time but am 90% sure.

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Did it cut anything?

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@Barnaby_Coote was snapping shots.

Ahh interesting.

But he also does metal mill cnc’s right?

Is there a verdict to speak of? It looks great, it also looks like we haven’t room?

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i refer you to this post

Dutifully referred, I find myself still asking the same question. I know all the stuff we discussed, when it was a possibility. Now it’s been a (temporary) reality, what’s the feeling?