3D Printed Table Saw Push Block

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa498d6acb0>

This is a 3D printed adjustable push block for use on a table saw and router table

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Looks really good!- how long does it take to print?

Printed a while back so cannot say for sure, other than quite a long time. I tend to print large components overnight so let’s say 5 nights

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Ok cool!

it it looks like the type of push block you see in lots of YouTube videos for pushing things over the top of the blade, running the router table or the table saw without the Guard in the makespace is strictly forbidden, I suspect rendering that push block obsolete.

If it can be used in a way that doesn’t directly fly in the face of our safety rules we can print 1 and see how it works

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Good points about safety, I use it on my own dewalt table saw when cutting small pieces where the guard has to be removed as it gets in the way.

We can’t run with a uncovered blade.