3-Axis Milling Machine - Sieg SX1L Micro Mill


This is a manual 3-axis milling machine, for making precise holes and cuts in multiple materials including metal, plastics and wood.

This machine is currently not commissioned and should not be used.

Condition Notes

Second hand

The maximum table travel is 320mm x 90mm and the throat is 140mm

End milling capacity 10mm
Face milling capacity 20mm

Both X and Y axes move 2mm per full revolution of the handle. The handles are marked with 80 gradations, so each gradation is 0.025mm. The Z axis moves 1.5mm per full revolution of the handle. There are no gradations on the handle, so you must rely on the vertical scale.

We currently have following end mills with matching collets: 6,10,12mm

Induction and Training

If applicable, a short description of induction requirements



Risk Assessment

Milling Machine Risk Assessment

Before Use
Make sure the machine is:
-Clean (if not clean the bed with a brush)
-Check the movement of all 3 axis, they have to move smooth
-Check the condition of collets clamps and milling tools, if there’s any issue report it to the metaltechs and don’t use the machine.
Make sure you have protective goggles ( cutproof gloves are good to have too)

During Use
-Make sure your workpiece is secured in the machine vice or with the clamps.
-Wear your ppe! Its not fun to have the chip removed from your eye
-Don’t make deep cuts when you’re milling! It’s not an industrial machine.
After Use
-put the collets, milling cutters clamps etc back to their place
-Clean the machine! (The T slots on the milling table are notorius on collecting surprising amount of chip, use the brush, a piece of wire or a T slot srew.
-Spray the bed and the collet holder with WD40



Manual (ours has the elongated X axis bed but is otherwise the same)