17th December: Winter Party. How's it going? A Christmas Meetups planned!

What time would you like to do this so people plan their arrival? Sounds SO EXCITING!

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Alright, One thing to consider is bringing all hepa filters back to clean room permanently .
I was made aware there is a whooping cough walking around as well as people test positive for Covid more.

Since we are an inclusive environment we should pay attention to people who tend to be more susceptible to these things and take this seriously.

@directors hepa filters in our airpurifyers need updating. We have at least two that work well. I hope.


should this be a dedicated Topic as it’s not (directly) party related - wouldn’t want this point getting buried by cake planning :slight_smile:

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Heyo! There is bbq starting now, would be good to have more people willing to eat.

Let us know you’re coming!

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On my way in about 35ish minutes

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Joe’s party trick


Great to see a bbq with these plant based options for vegetarians and vegans. Wish I could be there. Looking forward to seeing more pics.

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Magic tricks coming at 5 o’clock!

@suyash has arrived.


Wow! Wish I could make it! Have fun!

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Quality photos!

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Thanks Petra and everyone for such a wonderful event today. I’d love to show more magic, just ask me if you see me around anytime :slight_smile:


A fab evening! Thanks Petra for organising.:+1:t5: