Uncategerized posts

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa49eb66c38>

I’ve made a couple of posts recently that I’ve tried to put into discussion but not a sub group.
Both have come out as uncategorized rather than showing under discussion.
What have I done wrong?

Looks like you have to be viewing the Category when you post in it

Thats weird because you have to specify a category when you create the post.

It is weird. I’ll see if anyone else in the world has had the issue.

I say select a category but its discussion which is already in the box.
As i havnt specificaly picked it the javascript doesnt seem to be passing it in the post.

Aha, it’s because you’re a mod

And how about this for a coincidence?

Fix committed to github 4 hours ago :smiley:

So it wasnt just me being a numpty.
Makes a change.

I have now retired to the bedroom where i have a very loud old air conditioner i got off ebay several years ago. Bliss the air is cooling down.
If i was closer to the arch i think i would have spent a few hours down there tomorrow, as its supposed to be hotter, just to keep cool.


You must have applied the fix.
Just managed to post to the top Discussion group without problems.


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