Laser cutting group

I will be down doing lathe inductions otherwise would join in

Hi guys,
just saw this discussion. I would be really interested in joining the laser cutter group.
I cannot do this evening unfortunately but do you normally meet every Monday at 7pm (or most Mondays??).
I should be getting my induction on the laser on the 15th but I have experience using the one at the London Hackspace.

Many Thanks,

I’m a maybe at this point

This is a great idea and I will ensure I tell people about the working group on Mondays when running inductions.

I cant personally make Mondays though.

Ok I’ll have a few things I need to get on with so will come down all the same and will look at creating a tools document for cutting parameters as discussed.

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Anyone planning to come along to the laser working group tonight - I will be there but more like 8ish.

I’ll be down doing a quick bit of cutting before 8 but happy to share my knowledge of using the rotary tool

There by 8…