Holesaw kit?

Continuing the discussion from Member-owned tools in the space:

I’ve loaned a Holesaw kit to the space when the floor of phase 1 was being made I could not locate it last time I was in the space and the last time I’ve seen it part or parts were missing or lost. Would love to get that back


Also all the bits/attachement brought with my details sander disappeared no worries about this but thought relevant to mention

Let’s hope the parts turn up…

It’s a shame when stuff doesn’t get put back.

It seems like a lot of stuff has been thrown out in the rush to claim working space.

But also a load of stuff was piled into boxes and stored in the back room, so the parts may just be buried.

Decluttering the snug will be one hell of a job, that’s for sure.

I found a most of the bits the other day and put it together , its in the back

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Thx guys will look for it next time I’m in