Electronics for 13-18 year olds?

The webpage gives information about the workplace, but I have found this regarding organisations and volunteering:

'Using a DBS from another organisation

To use an existing DBS from another organisation the individual must be registered with the DBS update service. By registering with this service as soon as you receive your DBS certificate you will not have to make future applications so long as your circumstances do not change. ’

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I’m hoping/planning that lowering the barriers to making by various outreach projects such as this will be a strong feature of the Space as we mature.

So if we don’t have enough members with DBS checks then we’ll get the admin side sorted from here.

Also feels like time we brew up a safeguarding policy?

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Yes, sounds perfect. As I mentioned, unless you have someone who usually deals with this, or someone who does it regularly for work or something, I’d be happy to write up a safeguarding procedure.

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So w.r.t. safeguarding etc - CodeClub stipulates you must have the DBS check done through STEMnet if you want to run a club. (side note, Code Club is totally a thing we should do). Makes administration way easier on their side.

I wonder whether something like this would be good to talk to STEM about - they might be up for helping in some way? From what I remember the E(ngingeering) and M(aths) parts are often in high demand.

I was going to ask at the youth group I work with…we haven’t done any docs like this before. So if you’re happy to do it, knowing the space and activities, that would be great!

yes! I’m a STEM ambassador with them, and signed up as a Code Club volunteer, waiting for a place to start at Morden Library. It could be something we could look into to host at the space, and may bypass any costs and issues around safeguarding and DBS policies. I will look into this if it’s something people want to do. Code Club is usually weekly but we could probably do bi-weekly or even monthly. Again, I’ll have to check it out.

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Yes, it shouldn’t be a problem, you could ask them for a template if they have one, (I was going to get one online anyway) but if they’re busy I can go ahead and draft one for SLMS myself. I will probably get all this sorted over the weekend.

On thing to add: if you have a safeguarding policy you need a safeguarding officer, which would probably have to be a director and i think they need an enhanced DBS (not sure)

Good point, I’ll look into that while researching. We’d also need to consider if we need a first aid officer (I suspect we should have one), who may or may not need to be a different person

(I, and I assume Dermot) have an enhanced DBS.

Not sure if this is helpful but I don’t think there is an issue about DBSs being transferable, my understanding is that just many organisations opt for a policy where they request DBSs for all their staff. The DB Service also no longer provides a copy of the DBS to the organisation that requested it (to do with data protection) and provides only minimal information about whether there is ‘content’ or not. The organisation only gets the full info off the certificate which the person provides, so I don’t see a reason why a DBS Cert within the x years (I’m used to it being 3 years) wouldn’t be enough if people already have them from elsewhere.

This is what the transfer service was designed to make easy.

In days gone by there was no transferability at all, and you needed to dbs with every organisation you had any relationship (if applicable). This is no longer the case, so long as you have signed up to the transfer service or whatever it is now called.

I think although I’m not sure, that regardless of this, all organisations you want to work for still need to do their part of the application though, the individual need not apply again, and the check probably isn’t repeated, but makerspace would still need to make some form of dbs representation on the members behalf.

This probably isn’t so much of an issue that it’s a big deal, but we would need to assign some kind of policy :slight_smile:

(which I’m all all for, but it’s just complicated)

I don’t, but I’m looking into it.

Do we have a regulatory authority?

ahh, I just found some info; we are a company limited by guarantee. I think that’s the only info I need to carry on with my research.

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I have a DBS. So am happy to be part of the day for child care.

DBS are free of cost for charities and not difficult to obtain. It costs £25 otherwise and it’s beyond hard to gain one, mostly impossible.

Have spoken to the authorities regularly over the past year (because I run a kids art group) and obvs done my homework. I volunteered for kidsco for 8 years, my crb (new dbs) was updated every year, legal requirement. Then the rule became every 3 years. Now the one I gained 2 years ago is ‘Indefinite’ according to them !!! So if you have a dbs, from 3 years ago, it’s current!

What’s online and what’s true doesn’t confer. This is a sign of the times, resources depleted below scraping. However, the authorities are always secured in their legal paperwork and any problems are taken care of by the best the lawyers in the UK. They always win. I work for one of those ‘magic circle’ law firms.

My volunteers bar 1 have DBS & I cant apply for that till we’re a charity. So I’ve taken 1 risk. How I currently work is through my Volunteer Enrolment Form - 1photo id, 2 paper proof of address, emergency contacts and specific clauses signed and dated by them. Kept on file. No loopholes. I run a tight ship.

Children in the UK now means up to 18, it was 16.

Thats my angle, long response peeps cus it’s poper order. Jackie xox

Meaning your dbs, so long as you have one issued in the last 3 years, is currently valid Forever to work in any place !!! wtf !!! Rid ic lis.

To ensure child safety and protection, 2 people should be involved in anything that occurs. That’s how I do it.

Also, the backlog is about 6 months.

I have set this up: Child centred electronics drop in at the space! 1st July to find out interest. If anyone wants to help out/take part, feel free to leave a comment or PM me :slight_smile: I thought I should just get something going and see what happens!

I also have my DBS ready with the update service. I’m thinking that for now the activities will be primarily for current members who can come with their children.

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also, if anyone knows of potentially interested members, could they @ them in the comments? I’ll be going through discourse to see if I can spot anyone who may be interested.