Arduino Day - Planning

Let’s bump this up. It’s very close now. @tobyspark you have a poster? We can start some social media, which I’m happy to lead on. Poster and link – link needs tidying/linking, and splitting this off into discussion thread! – is always a good one.

Photos of projects please, and people interacting with Arduino projects.

@marc_barto yes, let’s ask exhibitors to RSVP, then we’ll have an idea what we’re up against. Anywhere we should be asking that we haven’t asked? Have you posted on Dorkbot? I’m happy to do that.

@dsikar are you bringing the guitar? Anything else handy?

@david any head/rainware available?

I’m waiting for copy to put in the poster and blog page. @Courty - I can prettify but I need to the concrete details you want in there.

This thread doesn’t need tidying 'cos it should not be being pointed to public ally anymore.

Yes, it should become just the planning thread.

And we’ll make a new thread for discussion. I think we had it working well last year.

That thread should be already made, the comment thread of the blog.

So the problem is finding it and making it obvious to people =]

Edit: hmm. No longer linked on the blog post, and a discourse search doesn’t show it. And I can’t get to Discourse’s blog category on mobile. So: this needs to be looked into.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Blog discussion thread not working

All – I’ve edited the title of this thread to make it clear this is for planning the event.

Official info should be in that blog post:

That blog post has a discussion thread for comments, this is where we should be posting official-ish updates and expecting to interact with non-members. Arduino Day 2017

(there’s a side discussion about the best way to manage all this from the get-go, but this is where we are right now, and it’s got merit: official info in one place, updatable from discourse, non-members get sent to a non-scary thread)

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Hi Guys,

Enclosed the official assets for AD2017

Which link do you want me to point the official Arduino page at ?


…Let’s get some copy in there. Can you write an outline of what’s happening, the two days?

slms arduino badges would be a cool thing

@tobyspark I’ve been using our meetup to promote, feel free to copy/adapt the text if that’s useful? We’ll appreciate a link to our group as well :slight_smile:

@Dermot In terms of outreach: I have added to Not Just Arduino google group, tweetet to Dorkbot, do they have a mailing list as well? I’ll put on Element14 forum and I’ll do a mailchimp to our members this weekend.

That’s great. I’ll check with Dave at Dorkbot, I think they do most stuff via FB nowadays?

Yes, we should get you linked on everything as a partner!

I’m going to take last year’s post as a rough template Work of the ancients and mash together info from here and the meetup link.

I’ll also make the same linked posts we had last year, as that worked. Then we can ctlC/V it to the website? @tobyspark @paul?

@marc_barto is this the best link to use for London Arduino:

Thanks Dermot yes that the link :slight_smile:

Guys/gals have a look here: Arduino Day 2017 draft main page

If we’re allocating places for the Sunday workshops we could just do it the way we do inductions?

Also: are we running the things we’ve said on these days?

Are we doing food? Should we publicise that, or leave it informal?

GTG. Back later! @tobyspark @Courty @marc_barto

Anyone else got anything to add/modify?

Looks good!
Quick comments: we could have a few pics to the page? I have some good ones from Arduino Day 2015 we ran at SLM, feel free to use any!

We’re partnering up with our friends at the London Arduino to bring you a great weekend of events.
Thanks for the mention, let’s remove the “the” or add “group” :slight_smile:

Yes, I meant to move your pic back in! Toby’s great with pics…

Poster: slms-poster-2017-arduinoday.pdf (1.5 MB)

Banner for mailshot:

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Blog page: done from Dermot’s draft, have a look and I’ll make any edits.

Draft page and (duplicate) questions page: closed.

Still to do:

Will calendarise it.

We also need to rally troops.