What a day it was! Well done to EVERYONE!
Now that the workshop is officially open let’s wait no further and…
Before construction started this was a regular meet up for Monday night so I propose that for the next one or two weeks we keep meeting on Monday but we are open to eventually change that, given all the new members that joined and could be interested!
This is an official call to all @members, pick up your mallets, sharp your chisels and come to ceck out our amazing workshop!
No skills required, if you are interested you will have a chance to learn.
Not even a project required, we have a lot of bit and pieces to build for the workshop that could be a perfect “test bench” to improve your skills for when you need it for your own projects!
Looking forward to meet a lot of you!
[*no worries, all tools will be provided ]
I hope this makes it official, is 19:30 okay?
Also just to be clear for safety reasons it’s hand tools only right?
See you there!
I’ll be there
Looking forward to getting the workshop started and listing to what people want from Monday nights .
To-do list for those in need of a project (please feel free to edit)
Shelving and Storage Designing & Making
We have plenty of tools that don’t have a proper place yet. We need to decide where they are going and how to label things so we make sure they are put back on the right shelf at the end of each session.
Sharpening Things
We need to make sure all our hand tools are in working condition for the woodshop start. This includes saws, chisels, and plane blades.
Mending or Making Tool Handles
Some of the plane handles are cracked (quite typical of the plastic bailey handles unfortunately). These can be expoxied but If anyone wants to remake them please do! Could be a nice little starter project as its not very difficult.
Basic guidelines here http://www.cornishworkshop.co.uk/planetote.html although our planes are much easier than this one
Caddy Design
I’d love to make something nice for this so if anyone wants to help me please pitch in. We need to lay out a complete kit, figure out the sizes of each tool and find a nice design that fits them all in a convenient package that people can bring to and from the benches.
Can’t tonight, but from next week I think this sounds great.
Argh I’m not going to make it guys sorry. Going away on Weds and have too much stuff to sort out first. Next week!
How did it go?
Was pretty dead when I arrived
see you there this monday!
In reply to storage in the workshop:
Ild like to suggest having a short term plan to get the chop shop useable. Clear all the tools and make it tidy enough to get in there and actually use benches without piles of tools everywhere. Do this ASAP. in the most practical and easy way.
Then think about long term plans of how to do storage in the perfect way.
Does that make sense?
If for chop shop you mean the woodworking workshop, is now tidy and clear thanks to @thammond help!
It was looking beautiful on Monday night.
( Only a slight exaggeration )
Great! Can’t wait to see it
Can somebody raise the bat signal when the wood workshop is at peak sortedneed / prettiness? Some documentary photography is well deserved.