Who is interested in forming a woodworking group?

What kind of time Monday? I will try to say hello but I’m moving house on Sunday which could prevent me.

Makerspace events typically start at 19:30

Yes, 7:30 is standard. It could be earlier if that’s what most people want. I’ll be at the space a little earlier myself (probably before 7pm) as I have an appointment in Peckham that ends at 6 and there is no time to go home in between.

Is anyone actually coming tomorrow? I can’t use any of the power tools if I’m on my own. Would another day be better? Next week?

Pete and I spent a few more hours yesterday clearing phase 2 area. There is now plenty of space to set up for a woodworking section.

I’d suggest to the right as you go down the steps. Remember to leave a corridor intob the snug.

I’d suggest primarily using the workbench that is out in phase 2 already, and maybe using the cupboards in that for storage?

There’s also loads and loads of possibly useful (mostly 2x4) material against the snug wall and in the piles around the breezeblocks. It would be great if you guys could explore what of that you might think is good for wood working projects. We can then work on disposing of the rest.

There are at least 2 benches in Phase 2 and horses and two workmates somewhere.

Yes, would be great to see imaginative use of the timber pile…we need some framework built for metal shelves stacked at the far end of the snug…if anyone’s looking for ideas.

Also cabinetry for the kitchen

And a mugtree

@sarahbarber still planning on going tonight? Do we need an induction to be able to use the power tools? I’m definitely keen on joining a woodworking group longer term, even if tonight is a no go.

@GoldieRatio yes I will be there but might leave early if noone turns up!

See ya there I hope


Won’t be there this evening but would like to hear how it goes (assuming it does). Thanks for organising.

I would be interested in being apart of a woodworking group. I’m still on holiday in the U.S. But when I’m back I’ll come :slight_smile:

How did it go?

I am interested in being part of the group too.
I am a wood carver and I have some basic knowledge of woodwork but not much experience so this would be a great opportunity for hands on practice.

I would have liked to have come but was tied up. Is there going to be a rematch.

Hi everyone

Goldie and I were both in the space last night, making preparations for the woodworking group.

##What happened##

  • We took a look at the tools and discussed risk assessment plans for the Jigsaw and various Health and Safety stuff.

  • Goldie said it would be good to have a list of tools that are available for woodworking in the space. We do have a ‘Documentation > Tools’ section that we can hopefully use for this purpose.

  • We found an unused table which we have set up on the right hand side of the back area.

  • We went through some of the massive pile of “useful wood” and made a pile of stuff to keep (everything to the left of the big red gas canisters) and things to chuck away (currently everything on top of or below the new woodworking table). I’ll try to arrange for this to be cleared ASAP so we can use the table). There were only two of us so others may disagree on some of the things we chucked. If you see something you want, just remove it from the ‘to go’ pile.

##Future plans##

Who wants to meet up next Monday (bank holiday)? Or the one after that if people are away? We can begin using hand tools and progress to power tools once they have been risk assessed. We have at least one workbench and probably more that can be cleared and made available. We need to set up some clamps / vices which we do already have in the space.

Sorry, I wanted to come but couldn’t make it.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Wood Working – Monday 31st August

I think we should be opening a new thread for each week to announce the event rather than making the longest thread ever.