A delivery of metal duct pipe for the laser extract will be arriving. Can anyone be at the space during the day to collect it?
As long as the internet and WiFi are working I can be there all day.
I’m here. I take it the delivery could be anytime today?
Correct. There will actually be two deliveries. One TNT courier with the small parts and then another delivery for the pipes.
8x100mm spiral ducts delivered.
Nice one. It’s not much fun dealing with over-sized deliveries to our cramped address so many thanks!
Consignment no. 26648789
ah, the standard ‘delivery sometime before dusk’.
Also, many thanks @david for having this covered!
2nd delivery is here. All contents accounted for.
Delivery notes for both are in the box.
The box is on the table in Phase 1
The 8 x 3m lengths of ducting are on the floor against the partition wall in the messy? room. Unless they need to be somewhere else.
That’s great david, cheers