What You Can Do For Your Makerspace

We heard that people want to help but don’t know what needs doing. This calls for lists!

Desk Jobs

Customer Service

  • More inductors for 3D printer - If you’re confident & competent with these machines, please teach others.

  • Host Open Evening - Also, we want to make this more fun.

  • Social Media and communications - If you like talking about Makerspace, we’ll give you the keys to Facebook, Twitter and the blog.


  • Front windows - Investigate the mould on the frame, and look to fit a flashing above the shutter to stop rain running down the windows inside the shutter when it is down.

There may well be more, but that’s what we’ve got so far.

Remember the golden rules:

  • If you see something that needs doing, do it!

  • If you’re not sure how, ask!


EDIT: Also now editable

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I don’t see the need to fix the door or roller door on here, should this become some form of editable list?
Nor the funding assistance for the CNC router. And helping ensure the contractor come quote?

I’ll try and do the Drainage when I next show up next Wednesday.

Nice :slight_smile: Can I suggest removing the Topic column and making three separate tables instead? (saves on precious horizontal space) And then overwrite my list in the top post.

some one tell me how to make the links work again and we’re set

Holy crap. Links don’t get processed inside table tags O_O

well they do appear on the side though. For the sake of the table, I think its worth it?

Double crap! No markdown at all is processed inside tables. I’m flagging this up at meta.discourse.org
(EDIT: likely to be fixed later in the year)

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@AussieFred I don’t see any links appearing on the side? Looked in Chrome and Firefox.

Sorry Sarah, I turned them off because the CSS is broken and I ran out of time to fix it. Side links (and “Reply in New Thread”) will return soon.

Just going to say this table format version is horrible it’s really inaccessible compared with a simple list of tasks.

It’s mostly the way that editing tables in discourse is painful and they don’t format correctly :frowning:

There is the table button. RIghtmost button in the toolbar. Gives you a much more WYSIWYG interface for editing tables. Just make sure the cursor is inside the table somewhere first.

However, I agree with Tom. This is better suited to a list. Tables break down when they have to contain paragraphs.

How about this:

  • Action to be done – Name of owner
    Then some text about what it is all about.
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Does anyone know anyone with a trailer? I would be happy to do a rubbish run to the tip.

No… However we should check because they might not allow it, they don’t allow certain vehicles.

wonder if that’s clearer?

Yeah much nicer. Have made a further improvement :smile:
