Waste bags?

Do we pay for the bags when they are delivered or collected? Would it save a few quid if those of us with cars took rubbish home with us?

They’re pre-pay, so we buy the bags directly from First Mile.

Strictly speaking Makerspace needs to pay for Makerspace rubbish. However, if members take their own rubbish away it’s probably a help.

It’s roughly £1 a bag, Max 5kg so £200/tonne minimum.

Unfortunately as a limited company we are legally required to have a rubbish collection in place, there is a cheaper 85p option on the horizon.

Ok. So no benefit to the space if I take away the First Mile bags, but if I take it before it’s bagged it saves us a little money. Cool.

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Yes, but technically we shouldn’t be doing this, although members are welcome to take their own waste home, that would help… Especially in wood working where a lot of waste is generated that could be burnt on fires at home.

Kind Regards

Tom Lynch

That’s what I was trying to say: as a ‘business’ we need to be responsible and part for our own waste.

Do we have a laminator in the space? I will make this info into signs to stick on the bins.

There is a bin in the back with wood scraps & sawdust in - wood scraps can be burnt but what’s the best way of getting rid of the sawdust? Should that go in general waste first mile bags too?

We don’t have a laminator, yet. Would be useful.

Yes, sawdust in general waste.

I think part of the problem is we have too many bins on the go - they are all over the place and all look the same. I propose we have one recycling & one general waste in the kitchen, one general waste in the back, one electrical waste & one recycling in the corner at the front and put all the others away. It would also be better rat-wise than having several 1/2 full bins with food in all over the place.

And we could colour code them so it’s easy to tell which is which - red for electrical, blue for recycling & green for general. I’ll paint the tops next time I come if people agree.

I agree with Tom it’s a real mess here - all the workbenches are covered in stuff & there is sawdust everywhere. We should always tidy and sweep up where we have been working before we leave otherwise it’s not fair for the next person who arrives.

Yes, a big tidy up is needed. You can see how you might not think to clear up a small bit of sawdust if there’s already a heap there.

Plus we need to get on top of tools again: there was a nice period when you knew where to find things. I guess labeling is key here too? "A place for everything, and everything in its place’.

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I have been putting things like teabags in recycling, as this is the “norm” I never thought it would be different for a business, but of course it is.

We need what each bin can take on the bin, no one will ever memorise the list from the website, I am happy to buy a laminator and leave it in the space for this purpose.

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Sharpy on a piece of printer paper will do for now

The bins are now labeled and I’ve hidden two in the snug as we had too many hanging around.



I was thinking the same thing about a laminator, I’ve been wondering about buying one too. If you don’t end up buying one let me know & I will.

I have a laminator here taking up space. If it’s of interest I can donate it - just let me know. I’ll check tonight if it’s functional.


That would be great. Thanks!

Laminator located and it even has a pack of pouches.
It switches on and heats up (eventually - not the fastest) and I can run a folded sheet of 80gsm A4 through it.
There’s no manual and I can’t find one for this model online but did get a couple of others that will do nicely for the basic instructions.
I don’t know what the process is for donating so it may be best if I drop it off when someone responsible is in to make sure it ends up in the right place.


Hi David I am Hyped if we get a laminator in the work space. We need it for PCB fabrication for toner transfer.