Unable to access inductions

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hey all hope you’re okay,
I’ve got my membership for makerspace a couple of weeks ago, but I still cant access the induction timetable.
when trying to follow the link:


I get a screen with a “:(” and “something went wrong” and aren’t allowed to access the induction waiting lists, I’m probably doing something wrong, is there anything I am missing?

all the best

@directors can you check

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Try it now


It works thank you!


Hi @directors I am getting the same issue (404) when I try to access the inductions page

Hi, should work now!

Thank you working now

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Heya, just joined and all the links to induction seem to not work for me.

Hello to our newest member! You should now be able to see and add yourself to inductions – don’t be put off if the lists look long: there are regular inductions in woodshop, CNC, 3d printer and laser cutter, and if your availability is flexible you may find yourself at them sooner rather than later

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Hey Dermot, Cheers that is working now :slight_smile:


Hello, new here, and cannot access the inductions link. Can anyone please help.

Should be sorted now!

Hi, same for me if anyone could please help set me up with access to the induction lists and similar.

Many thanks!

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your patience. I’ve added you now.

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Perfect, thanks!

Great thanks Kyle!

I’m having the same issue - the induction links don’t work for me.

Hi Lydia,

You should be able to see them now. Thanks for your patience.

It works, thank you!

Hi everyone, new to the space

I think I’m having the same problem as others in this thread. Could someone have a quick look?

I either get the “:)” page or " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private"

I may also have completely misunderstood.

Many thanks
