A few people may have noticed me making prototypes and messing around with laser ply letters recently in the space.
This is all part of a project I’ve been asked to do for Tooting Broadway Market.
Full disclosure: I’m working with a local designer on this and we are being paid for this. This piece of work came from a contact of mine directly, rather than a general inquiry to the Makerspace.
I will need space to prep 3no. 8x4 sheets of ply and will need to bring in a heap of laser ply to cut.
The project needs a quick turnaround so should be done in roughly 1 week starting around this Thursday.
I’ll put in a storage request separately, but @pip is there a ‘good’ place to store/work on the 8x4 sheets?
We should be able to get some nice publicity out of this: the sign may even have an official ‘unveiling’
Ha, you choose the worst week I’ve got a lot of ducting arriving this week, and messy space is being pushed to completion and is consequently a bit, well, messy.