Tools that don't need induction

Is there a list of what tools/equipment can be used without induction? Jigsaw/Drill etc?

That would be a useful list, it doesn’t exist yet though.

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How can I help to create one?

Start a new topic in #tools (search to check that there isn’t one already!)
click the spanner on the post and choose “Make Wiki” so other people can add to it.

Go nuts!

Will do, thanks Tom. How do we know what can / can’t be on the list though (apart from the obvious)? Jigsaw and drill is a good example …

I am fabulously nuts thanks :smile:

Good question. Jigsaw does need an induction though.

There’s a list in the Google drive made by the RA working group.

Risk Assessments.pdf (304.5 KB)

Only tools that have a signed off RA and don’t need an induction can currently be used.

Excellent! That is a very comprehensive professional document. 37 pages!

Tom, topic created but can’t find how to ‘make wiki’ - I really have tried!

Perhaps we don’t need now as Dermot has highlighted the RA doc?

It’d be good to centralise this information here on Discourse at any rate.
Your topic has been made wiki. Don’t know if you managed it or Dermot did it for you :slight_smile:

Thanks Dermot :slight_smile:

I think it was @unknowndomain

Thanks unknowndomain :slight_smile:

I think we should look at this again, Discourse isn’t great for documentation.

That’s true but is a start… we should keep a paper copy handy in the space I think