Storage request - Timber for a simple bed

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa498b77cf0>

I need to build a bed for my new rented and unfurnished house.

Description of Storage Request

  1. 6 Ash boards; 2.4metres - 30mm x 200mm.
  2. Ash post; 3 metres - 70mm x 70mm.
  3. 1 board of Beech; 2 metres - 35mm x 200mm.

Storage Location
Rafters across the length of the wood shop. Items to be stored while built as will never be smaller than 1.3m in length once boarded and cutdown, clearly labeled with a name and phone number.

Start Date
Will buy and store this weekend if possible (23rd July 2017)

End Date
September 24th 2017 at latest but can remove components as they are completed.

You will have to reinforce it up there first

Maybe so, is it on the list of repairs/constructions people are thinking about for the space anyway? Does anyone else want to get involved in doing some work to it/have any suggestions or stipulations?