Storage in Messy Room

Hey all,

There are a range of unlabelled and expired labelled items around the messy room, specifically by the ink storage shelving unit.

I’ve moved some of the casting materials that don’t seem to have been used in a long time into a plastic storage shelf underneath the ink storage shelving.

I’ve attached pics below of what I’ve moved onto the wooden table by the spray booth, if members could take their items away or find other storage that would be great!


@Martyn_Thomas there were some coloured powders in this parcel, couldn’t figure out what they were but wanted to let you know in case they’ve been forgotten about

Unlabelled roll of black plasticy material

@dann3 a few 3D printed casting pieces, guessing you’ll need these in the space still but moved onto the table as they would have been damaged through my use of the screen printing bed

Click on-off pedal

Unlabelled old wax cast


Thanks Pete!

It is a constant battle- projects end up everywhere, and many are abandoned. Set a time deadline say 1-2 weeks and then actually bin them if the owner doesn’t collect.

It is not fair on techs to constantly have to be nagging people and dealing with others projects.

@dannz, @Martyn_Thomas, @DAC17



The steel vinegar mix can be used in the woodshop if not claimed, I’m keen to make an ebonised oak sign with it, but it can definitely be decanted into a far smaller container.

I assume some of those other bits have been forgotten about but if we could get them moving or stored appropriately that’d be amazing!

If we don’t already have a rule on this I think we should propose this at the next members meeting - 2 weeks and it’s fair game for anyone to throw out, re-use, or sell.

This is what we have in the wood shop

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I do agree, but want to make sure this isn’t done vindictively when for the most part stuff is just forgotten about. Maybe we could have a page specifically for posting these things? Can brainstorm something effective I’m sure!

Think it makes sense to have a permanent thread for it. But members do need to realize they have responsibility over abandoning projects in the space.


We have had this same discussion for years and years and there are rules (which do need minor updating! - ie. we agreed to per-area storage):

It has always a problem, now that we have grown we need to be way more vigilant about enforcing them or we will drown in old projects. Techs work hard to keep areas up and running, they should not have to hassle people over and over to clear out old projects, members need to take responsibility for their stuff.

Techs - please feel free to actually bin stuff / repurpose / up for grabs that is more than 2 weeks out of date.

Thanks all!

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Of course people forgetting things is by accident but asking someone else to take responsibility for that accident and post photos and messages with warning signs and posts for weeks and in some cases months isn’t reasonable.

If someone forgot something they have to accept it won’t be there anymore.

People are much more likely to remember if they don’t rely on the flexibility of it still being there with half a dozen warnings before anyone does anything with it.


Yeah that’s very true, appreciate a quick update the arse is sometimes best for getting acquainted with how a system works!