Social evening at the Commercial - Tuesday 11th April

Well doing the quiz is not that bad idea… hahah

@peter_hellyer Do you want to confirm this in a new thread or something?

Thanks for sorting this out Tom. @unknowndomain. I can’t make it tomorrow, sorry to miss it.

I’ll probably pop in for a few this evening - am popping along to the space to collect my fob.

Will be nice to get to know people at the space more!

I’ll be there

Am aiming to be there. Expect my usual tardiness.

I just wanted fo say walked past ghe half moon planty if space inside and out for 20 plus

Amazingly, I am stuck at work yet again! :frowning: I suppose there’s always next month. See you guys around the Space.

If you aren’t going to the commercial can you cancel and apologise as they know Makerspace by name now.

I’m sure you guys will find a way to have fun regardless, but I’m afraid my lungs have decided that functioning without being filled with gunge is not for them, and thus I’m in bed hoping that the pain in my chest will vanish momentarily.

sorrryyyy! hope you have a good socialising!

Are we at the commercial or the half moon? Just about to make my way over.

Table booked at the Commercial

Argh! Late at work - not going to make it.

So anyone knows where we are going?

I’m on my way

On my way as well

Am I at the right Commercial? They don’t seem to have a booking.

At the comercial in 5min

We’ve taken Table 4, behind the bar.