Sinclair ZX spectrum new edition anyone

One of the machines that created back bedroom programmers and software development.

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Hang on, this is just a bluetooth keyboard in the shape of a spectrum.

I’m confused, it’s a really expensive bluetooth keyboard, right?

It’s NOT a spectrum, it’s a BLUETOOTH keyboard and a ZX-Spectrum Emulator running on an IPAD!

I have nearly a dozen REAL zx spectrums with REAL z80 processors and you can buy them on ebay for peanuts.

They are very badly made computers and perish due to cheap parts and poor quality control.

Want a useful retro style computer? get one of these:-

The reproductions are nice, but are not cheap.

I am thinking of getting one of these, COSMAC 1802 CPU cards:- Lee Hart's 1802 "Membership Card"


Stephen Walters
(I used to work for an IBM / Commodore / Acorn / Compaq / Systime -DEC- VAX dealer in the 1980’s.

Wow, that’s pretty hardcore O_O

I grew up with the spectrum and 10 PRINT “SCHOOL SUCKS” 20 GOTO 10 but going back that far (EDIT ie. to binary computing with no display) just seems like masochism to me!

Easier to teach kids to program on than .NET, JAVA etc.

Python for kids I would recommend for anyone. There is even a microPYTHON (arduino) type controller out there…

It was on kick-starter.