RSA Makeing it Inclusive

Hi Makerspacers

My name is Wilam Jackson-Mitchell
I am a third year student at UAL’s LCC and am working on a brief for the RSA called Making it Inclusive. The aim of the project is to get more people interested in making!
Currently I have made a prototype of a biomimetic D.I.Y book.
My deadline is the 11th so I don’t have much time but I would like to get as many of your opinions as possible through a discussion and from a few question.

If you would be so kind as to get involved, I would appreciate your input and experiences!
you can contact me on this disscussion or by email:
my email is

I can’t upload my prototype yet as I am a new member to the Makerspace
I can send you the prototype over email!

Thank you for your help
william :smile:

@Members William has been researching the Maker community for a while, it would be great if we could support him.

William - what’s a biomimetic book!? Could you post a dropbox link or something like that if our discourse won’t let you upload it here?