Rich Maynard: current projects

So, I always have a huge number of things on the go and never enough time to do them.
The main thing I am supposed to be working on is a system to monitor my house in Hertfordshire. I hesitate to use the words ‘home automation’ because I suspect there won’t be too much actual automation involved!
I’m probably going to use Arduino Nano based sensors with NRF24L01 radio modules as at They will probably talk to something Raspberry Pi based, maybe EasyIoT
I may well end up designing and making (or having made) a small interface board that the radio module and the Arduino can plug into, perhaps with some kind of power management so I can use two AAs to power the sensors.
I’ve got an AirPi set up at the moment uploading to ThingSpeak but the main thing that’s taught me is that the Raspberry Pi keeps crashing.
I’ll probably work on implementing some kind of 433MHz transmitter so I can control cheap rf sockets and light switches. I’ve played with a Tellstick as well as fiddling with cheap Chinese transmitter/receiver pair connected to a RaspberryPi controlled with ControlMyPi which was actually quite robust.

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