REQUEST to members with shutter access


Is anyone free on the 21st and 22nd of May who can open the space on the calendar from 10am, so that I can book time with the laser.

Oh by the way, I’ll be filming at the festival, so please say cheese.

Many thanks

Jaydee Daley

i don’t know if I’m allowed to +1 your shutter access should you decide to request it, since we haven’t met or really interacted.

i mention this now because i do see the effort you’re putting in to be community spirited and would feel comfortable supporting this. so hopefully someone authoritative will clarify if that would be okay.

as for the dates etc, i work too much to help you with that, sorry. :frowning:

Thanks for your email.

I don’t think it’s necessary for us to interact. Anyone with shutter access who is on site can open up space for other members who don’t have shutter access to book time with tools.

We rely on people with shutter access to open up space so that newbies like myself can book using the calendar.

I think that’s how it work.

I think the point is that you should try to go for shutter access yourself if you’d like the space open at certain times. It’s not hard to get! Would you like to know more?


Yes please :grinning::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@welcome can you follow up pls?

Thanks Amit for raising this to our attention.

To get shutter access, you need two members from SLMS with shutter access to vouch for you - that’s all. There is How-To-get-shutter-access document, explaining this in more detail.

Anybody can get shutter access and we encourage new members to do so. We mention this on every tour on open evenings and it is mentioned in our How-To Index. From my personal point of view, the threshold is fairly low, though one needs to be part of our community in order to get to know people and be an active member at the Makerspace. It helps, being physically present at the Makerspace and literally just hang out and have a good time, chatting to members… etc.

From my humble point of view and with a bit of common sense, I would think that you can vouch for anybody you like, as long as they’re a paid up member. At least that is my interpretation of the document from the how-to section. If in doubt, please do not nail me to it - since this is ultimately a decision that the directors made, not me nor the welcome team.

Personally, I wouldn’t vouch for a member I’ve never met in person - but that’s up to each member.

Hope, that helped rather than confuse.

See you at the Makerspace,

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Have a look at the How to get shutter access page which describes in detail how to get shutter access.

As a note, as of two weeks ago, 73 people without shutter have been in the space 5 or more times this year.

Each one of those people were messaged by directors to explain that shutter access is an easy process with 6 different ideas of how to help out and sign posted to the help page.


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