Put stuff back

Put stuff back where you get it from.
These aren’t siccors they are fabric shears.

I’m going to put a bit about ‘use tools for their intended purpose and in the area they belong in’. ‘Put stuff back’ is meant to be a given…

You and @frasco should really join forces…! No one would forget to put things away then!

I think it is important to mention also that this particular tool can be ruined if it is used to cut anything except fabric.


@frasco, @emuboy and I spend an hour this afternoon putting loads of other people’s stuff away before starting our own projects. Tools randomly placed all over the shop. It’s really not fair that it’s takes this long to get organised because all the really useful stuff is dumped throughout the space. (Coffee and tea cups too)

Come on guys, play the game. Think of others too.



I really wish there was a dislike button. :disappointed:

I think it is part and parcel of an organization like this that there will always be people who do these things. No matter how much effort is put into “educating” or organizing, there is always going to be someone who, for example, takes the delicate material scissors because they need a pair of scissors in a hurry and cannot find, or cannot be bothered to find, another more suitable pair.

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I agree. But…

…I don’t think a single solution will ever solve this, but I guess we can talk about issues when they come up and try to make minor adjustments in the space to help negate them.

As in, maybe the issue is there are no scissors in the space. Let’s laser cut some stationary holders.

Maybe someone could laser cut some stationary boxes? Put one by the laser cutter, put one by electronics? We need a stationary holder in textiles area. It worked in wood area.

Agreed, but perhaps three posts in one day is a bit much?

We have a stationary box under the TV, and looks like another one on the metal shelving by the sofa.

I wonder if we need a box of general tools: woodtechs are rightly possessive of the wood tools, but sometimes you need a hardpoint saw to cut plastic…and scissors to cut paper…

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