Oldschool Arcade For the Space

A little while back I prototyped an Arcade with raspberry pi and all the thingy then I slowly over the year acquire all the hardware. At the time I only did get to the point of get the things running with a mess of cable on the living room table. Now with a baby on the way I need to clear up a lot of space and ultimately I doubt I will find the time to do this project properly on my own.

For this reason I then decided to donate all the hardware (listed below) to the space with the hope that some of you might be interested in building an oldschool arcade that will one day reside in lounge area. The only things missing is the MDF (or any material) for the case that I might be able to donate but first I need to finish the baby changing table and if I got some MDF left it will be for you guys.

If you think this is a good/bad idea or wishes to become the owner of the project leave a comment below.

I think this project is perfect the space in general and will delight some of his member as it include a wide range of things to do.

  • First is the arcade case that could be cut with the laser cutter if a table top design is chosen
  • Some RPI play around I recommend to install the boot on the sd and operating systems on the HDD and the whole settings work like a charm
  • Salvaging the audio systems and integrating it in the case
  • Some painting, electric, lighting and some soldering to make a nice arcade

Lot of arcade case example

A quick video intro

Hardware available for the project

The old school joystick

Samsung SyncMaster SM943B 19" Flat Screen LCD Monitor DVI & VGA

USB hub to power the RPI and HDD

2.5" 80GB external HDD to store up games in his casing

A Raspberry PI with an 8GB sd card + the HDMI to VGA adaptor

The speaker to be salvaged from this old (but really good) pc sound systems


I like it. Would a table-type system be better given the lack of space?

A stand up arcade machine full of old games is a vital piece of furniture for any self-respecting Makerspace. I vote yes.


This sounds like a lot of fun! I vote yes! Happy to get involved.

While looking around for the box blueprint for a standing arcade as mentioned by Tom I spotted this design that integrate a small fridge in the bottom part. Thought it was a pretty nice idea to save space. What do you guys think?

Found this from that instructables