New Hoover for phase 1?

Can we buy a new Hoover for the clean room? It could live in the toilet. Having it to hand would make it easy and quick to use. I have this one at home and it’s great.

We got rid of some good hoovers cause we didn’t need them. Let’s look at what we have and what they need. We had a Henry with a full set of new accessories

I would agree with Sarah but also that we need a cleaning supplies cupboard somewhere and that this new vacuum cleaner and items from there be strictly for cleaning, not for projects or ad-hoc dust extractors.

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cupboard infront of the electrical board?

I think Paul might be upset if we did that, it’s storage for the textiles I believe.

Yep! There’s been a plan to have that storsge there a while.

The yellow Hoover barnaby bought is dying.
We’ve lost the last extension thingy with the brush filter on it.
So the hose chokes up and stops working. You then have to unblock it. Several times in a Hoover.
Can we get a new brush extension for it??

If you are going to buy a new vacuum get an old reconditioned Henry from ebay.

  • Henry because they eat everything. Even if its primary use is cleaning the clean area, it’s good to know that it can cope with everything and won’t mind a nail or two. I use one on building sites. They really suck.
  • Old one because the old ones are 1200w but the new ones are only 620w. Same goes for any vacuum you buy since a law in 2014/15 limiting the power of vacuums. It’s meant to mean you use less power but you just spend more time. New ones really suck.
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Having done a lot of research and spoken with folks at Dyson about this very topic, the reason this law was implemented was because a war of the watts started where companies were putting bigger and bigger motors in as a claim of their power as consumers look for a way to identify which machine is better than the other, but then having to deliberately design them to be less efficient as the suction power would be too great otherwise.

The result was that machines were getting 2400W motors and not being any better than much lower power ones but still consuming the higher amounts of energy.

So whether or not a Henry is better at half the wattage, I don’t know, but it’s interesting to know that the reason this happened was a moore’s law of vacuum cleaners.

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Oh you :smiley:

Good point,
I’ve not used the new ones much but think they do lack something but maybe I was just being wattist. I try not to dwell upon the cleaning too much, making dust is far more fun.

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Given the state of the vacuums we’ve had (including the yellow one) we need something industrial-strength with a metal body.

A consumer hoover will break within a few months.

That said the karcher is still going ok and you can replace the accessories cheaply @boldaslove
I pulled a blockage from the tube last week and it seems to be doing better since.

To be fair the problem with all the vacuum cleaners is they’ve been used as dust extractors and often were second hand cast offs anyway.

Henry vacuum cleaners are used around the world for cleaning, but they are not designed for use as dust extractors attached to routers, sanders etc…

If we can fix the problems with people using them for this purpose or cleaning the surfaces in the dusty workshop, we’ll do a lot to make them last. The dusty workshop just needs a hose attached to the existing dust extractor to use it as a vacuum cleaner in that room.

the problem i’ve noticed with the karcher was more bits snapping off and the plastic housing getting cracked

I pulled about 9 blockages from the cleaner :blush::blush::blush:
It’s easy to block without the brush filter thingy

Ok, once @tomnewsom rechargers the cards for November I’ll buy a set.
Do you have a good source?

With you on the industrial vacuum cleaner. Let’s put a post up for interest [nudge]

can the working group for hoovergate get rid of the ones we dont need


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I’m happy to be part of a hoovergate working group. Doesn’t have to be new but we need something that’s easier and more comfortable to use than what we have at the moment.

I have a spare henry, it’s a reconditioned one from ebay, really good, I put hepa bags in it which I’d suggest would be good for the space as it filters out very fine dust. I can long term loan it to the space for Phase I.

There’s a red hover in messy by the metal bench - potentially was going to use it for CNC extraction but now there’s the old woodshop dust extractor which might be better but is rather large so might stick with the small one if it works, not investigated yet.

The kercher is an excellent hoover, currently used in wood and messy for the extra dust, works very well just sometimes has a blockage.


Is the kertcher the big barrel shaped one? It does work well but it’s uncomfortable to use because the long bit is too short - by the time I’d done the whole clean room with it my back was aching.

But a long term loan of an old Henry for phase 1 sounds like a perfect solution to me!

Great, I’ll get it down in the next few days.

The kercher is the yellow one, domestic size, not distinctly barrel shape so guessing that’s another one. If the kercher has missing bits we should order more.