New FOB registered - 17:17

Hello @directors

I picked up and registered my new FOB on the door access today at 17:17.

Hi James.

I can’t see anything on the system. Can you try again next time you’re in, and also check if your fob registers on the ‘space log’ at the top of Discourse?



Thank you for letting me know it didn’t work. I will make sure to scan it this weekend and post again.

However I don’t see the ‘space log’ anywhere on the discourse page. Perhaps this functionality is hidden from me as I am a new member?

Either way I’ll give it a good scanning this weekend! :slight_smile:

Yeah you can’t see it until discourse knows you’re a member. Your payment needs to go through, and you need to have linked your discourse account at

I think I misunderstood, as I found an “events” page while checking to confirm that my profile information and payment was properly connected (it is). So now i know where to find the log and check if my FOB was picked up or not, just take a little digging.

Thanks for the help. :slight_smile:

You’ll the log here too, once the payment goes through

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