Metal lathe status and access

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I need to use the metal lathe.

  1. Is it operational?
  2. Who do I talk to for the induction?


  1. It is not I’m afraid
  2. @metaltechs

Today I performed a major tidy of the lathe space and materials corner. Also levelled the lathe with help from Mark and Jonty. I think it will be about 2 months before inductions can start in earnest.


Hey that’s great!

Thanks for doing that on Friday night!

Thanks for the info.

Is there anything I can help with to speed the process up? It’s not like I never used the lathe or don’t know how to operate it.

BTW - thanks for forcing me to finally making myself more independent on this front. As I usually deal with softer materials - woodworking router and a spinning lathe chuck sometimes is just enough :wink:

@metaltechs are currently in the process of making this happen, If you’re interested in helping out, please do have a chat with them.

Which reminds me - tech roles are always open to new members and people with experience, if you see somewhere you can be helpful, there’s probably helpfulness to be done - don’t be shy!

Patrick, thanks for the offer. I’ve started to make progress and have a detailed task list. I plan to spend all day Saturday working on the lathe. If you can make it in to SLMS, I’ll take you through the tasks and you can decide which ones you would like to take on. Some are very small effort, but will help me out a lot.


Hi everyone, I went to the space earlier today and I was told that from next week on there will be a induction list for the metal lathe. Can I ask you to please to add me on the list? I can also help if there’s anything that needs to be done. Thanks. Carlos

I’m also very interested on a metal lathe induction if it’s being held.

Assuming it works like other lists you’ll probably need to add yourself once it appears (as will I !)

I put you on the preliminary list

You are on the preliminary list !

Howard, can I be added to please?

you are on it !

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Can I be added?

Me too please.
Have already fair bit of experience with both manual + CNC turning